Monday, April 28, 2014

26 Weeks

Weekly Check-In
26 Weeks

This week, baby is the size of a head of lettuce.

Well, this last week has been pretty uneventful (no complaints here!). 

This weekend we got into the Spring Cleaning mood and we finally finished cleaning out the nursery. We moved the last piece of "non-baby" furniture into the spare bedroom. I also felt the need to organize the rest of the house. It was a very productive weekend. 

So now, all we have to do is wait for our nursery furniture! I'm so ready to nest. I only have about 3 months left, and I just want to get everything put together! I'm a very impatient person, especially while pregnant. Just ask my poor husband.

Today I had a routine check up with my doctor. I go in, pee in a cup, he checks to make sure the cervical stitch is still intact and then he does a quick ultrasound so that I can see Baby Salisbury. It really eases my mind to see him wiggling around in there. I appreciate my doctor very much for taking the time to do that for me. Most women get a total of one or two ultrasounds their entire pregnancy but I get one every week. I'm very fortunate to have such a caring doctor. 

And while this was just a routine visit, I found out that I may have Gestational Diabetes. 
I have to go in in the morning for the glucose test. I have to fast tonight after midnight and then go in tomorrow morning and drink the glucose test drink. Then they'll draw my blood and see how my body processed the sugar. Most likely it'll say that I do, in fact, have GD because they found glucose in my urine sample. But as my doctor pointed out to me today, if Gestational Diabetes is the worst thing that we have to deal with this pregnancy, then we'll be fine. We've seen worse. We've been through MUCH worse. 
I can handle this. 

So far, I've been very fortunate with this pregnancy. I had barely any morning sickness, I haven't had any out of control cravings, I've only gained about 10-15 pounds...So nothing too extreme. 
I guess I was due for something not-so-great to happen. 

It'll be tough. I'll have to adjust my diet and with cravings, that'll be hard! But I'll do anything for this kid. 
I'll eat plain yogurt and vegetables only for the rest of this pregnancy if that means that he'll be okay. 
I'd do anything for him. Anything. 

So yeah...I'll update you all on that this week after we get the results. 

So, tonight, I was looking around the house for my cat Luna...I couldn't find her in any of her usual spots! 
Under the bed? Nope.
Under our quilt napping? Nope. 
On the kitchen chair? Nope. 

Then I looked in the nursery...and this is what I found! 

What a freaking goof! She found the baby swing that I had set up in the nursery and she made herself comfortable. I know that I'll have to break her of this habit, because I don't want her jumping in there when there's a baby in it, but it's so cute! Silly kitten. 

Well, I think that's about it for this week. 

Here's a snapshot of my 26 week belly! 
I'm getting so...ROUND. And I can feel him move several times a day now. I just love that feeling.

Have a good week! Thank you so much for reading! 


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