Sunday, March 23, 2014

21 Weeks

Weekly Check-in
21 weeks! 

I'll be posting one of these every Sunday. 
Technically, my week switches over on Monday, but Mondays are too hectic for me, so here you go. 

Baby Salisbury is the size of a pomegranate this week! 

I've been feeling pretty good. Physically I'm feeling much better. My morning sickness/nausea has pretty much gone away. Thank goodness! I'm still tired a lot, but I figure that growing a human is hard so it's okay to be tired. 

I don't know if it's cold or what, or if it's just another pregnancy symptom, but I cannot breathe! I am so stuffy ALL THE TIME. I even have to wear  breathe right strips to bed just so I can get some sleep. 
And speaking of going to bed, I go to sleep at like 8 to 8:30 every night. 
I don't know if I'm pregnant or just OLD.  Maybe both?

 I've started to feel the little guy moving around in there recently. I think the flutters started at about 18 weeks, and while they're still not constant, a few times a day I feel little jabs and swooshes in there.
I don't feel bubbles like some women. Instead, I feel a sensation like when you hit a dip in the road. 
You know when your stomach flips a little? Like that. 
 I love it. 
I think I've even felt little jabs from the outside. Those ones are more hard to pinpoint though. My hand has to be on the right spot at exactly the right time. It's all a matter of luck at this point. 

Lately I've been having a real sweet tooth. Which, if you know me, you'll know is really weird. I usually don't eat a lot of sweets. I prefer salty snacks. But every time I walk into the gas station, I end up grabbing some kind of candy. Then I don't finish the candy because I have sensitive teeth and the sugar hurts them. 
It's a vicious cycle. 

Buy candy. Take one bite. Teeth start to ache. Throw/give candy away. Repeat. 

Yesterday, J took me out to eat at one of our favorite little soda shops. It's like a 50's style Soda Fountain. They do AMAZING burgers, malts and best of all, fresh limes! 
I had a double BBQ Burger with cheese and onions and a large Fresh lime soda made the old fashioned way. 
(Fresh squeezed limes and simple syrup topped with seltzer water) 

I'm drooling just thinking about it even though I just had it yesterday. I guess that's what pregnancy is supposed to feel like. You get an idea in you head (about food) and it won't go away until you get what you want...

I'm a crazy pregnant food-monster these days. 
I think it must be part of what I've heard called the "Second Trimester Food Binge" 
During the first trimester, your appetite isn't awesome. Mostly because you're nauseous 90% of the time. So when the 2nd Trimester rolls around, your body wants to make up for lost time. 
So far, my 2nd Trimester has been all about food. 

It's a freaking miracle that I haven't gained a million pounds. 

Here's my 21 week bump. I feel like I'm actually looking pregnant and not just fat! Woohoo! That's a major accomplishment. 

I hope everyone has a great week! 


1 comment:

  1. I love this! It will be good for you and it is great for this grandma. Xxoo
